Turning 50

Just before the big day

I remember turning forty and thinking when I turn fifty my birthday will fall on a Saturday. What a perfect day for a celebration. Back then this milestone seemed a long way off. I had just got my certificate in childcare and was looking forward to starting a new career.  After twenty years as a secretary/receptionist and moving from one job to another I was ready for a change. I was ready for stable employment. My sisters having children influenced my decision to work in this field. I thought this would be a much more physical job than sitting in an office all day and much more hands on. I would meet new people and have many more interactions. I’ve never regretted this decision and enjoy my work to this day.

Moving out

In other areas of my life I prospered during my forties. After finding stable work I decided to move out of my parents’ home. For two years I lived with a friend and then two years out on my own. This was a scary experience, but I’m so glad I did it. It had a huge impact on me. I became stronger, independent and resourceful thanks to this experience. If you don’t step out of your comfort zone how can you know what you are truly capable of? In 2013 I moved back to my parents’ home for financial reasons.


 As far as travelling goes I had done some in my twenties, but not so much after that. In my forties I decided to fulfil a wish to visit every capital city in Australia that I hadn’t already visited previously. In January 2017 it was Hobart. In October it was Perth. The following year I went to Darwin and Sydney.

Although Darwin is a nice city it was much too humid for me and I don’t see myself going there again. Sydney is busy, hectic and chaotic. The highlight for me is the harbour and travelling on the water taxi. I must admit this made me a bit nervous, but once I relaxed I really enjoyed the experience. Perth and the surrounding suburbs is much quieter and moves at a slower pace. Just my kind of pace.  I absolutely loved Perth and Sydney and can’t wait to visit these beautiful cities again.

A photo everyone will recognize. Sydney Harbour Bridge.

Following my passion

At the end of 2017 I decided it was time to follow my heart and my dream of being a writer. I enrolled at Victoria University to do a Certificate 4 in Professional Writing and Editing. In 2018 I studied part time. I reduced my hours of work this year to be able to study full time. I’ve accomplished so much in my forties. I’m looking forward to turning fifty. A new chapter in my life. What do my fifties have in store for me? Only time will tell.

Writing a new chapter in my life